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Optimal marathon training sessions
Of the many possible combinations of speed and distance that you can do in training, a few provide the optimal stimuli for physiological...
Tapering for a marathon
Train hard. Race well. Train hard. Race well. The runner's basic instinct. Everything we do is based on hard work. We train. We brave the...
Recovering from a marathon, Part II
After running a marathon, there are basically 3 options. You can: 1) vow never to run again; 2) take some time off and then gradually get...
Recovering from a marathon, Part I
You train for six months, taper perfectly, and run the marathon of your life. It's the next morning. You wake up stiff and sore. Now...
Decision-making during a marathon
Achieving your marathon goal requires numerous factors to come together on race day. Much more than in shorter races, the decisions you...
The many benefits of long runs
The snow melts. Your Gore-Tex suit is back in the closet. Spring marathons loom on the horizon, and runners everywhere are putting in...
Listen to your body
When RT Editor Gordon Bakoulis and I discussed “listening to your body” as the topic for this month’s column, I hesitated because it...
Training lessons I learned the hard way
Youth brings with it boundless energy and enthusiasm, and the opportunity to make mistakes. Age brings experience, scar tissue, and...
Running and rusting
You head out the door for an eight-mile run. Right from the start, your energy level is down, and your legs feel heavy. After 2 miles of...
Mileage: How high should you go?
The best distance runners in the world train from 100 to 160 miles per week. Yet, the belief has developed among some runners that high...
Lymphocytes, immunoglobulins, and running
You run the best track workout of your life. Four repeat miles, and you feel like Moses Kiptanui. You hang around in your sweat-drenched...
Pitfalls to avoid in using a heart-rate monitor
Like any tool, a heart rate monitor only helps you if you know how to use it. The more experience that I have working with runners who...
How to obtain optimal results using a heart-rate monitor
Heart rate monitors are a simple and effective training aid. By running within specific heart rate training zones, you help ensure that...
Factors that affect heart rate during running
At the September 1999 Pre-Olympic Sport Science Congress in Brisbane, Australia, I met with Mike Lambert, PhD, who is one of the world’s...
Guide to high-altitude training
Elite endurance athletes around the world train at high altitude to try to improve performance. Assuming you are a serious runner, should...
Setting goals for running
With the 3rd Millennium upon us, it seems appropriate to dream grand dreams, reach for the stars, or at least set a goal to reach a...
Fat facts
Burn fat. Lose fat. Fat free. Fat-related messages bombard us constantly. Yet, much of what is written about fat metabolism is hogwash....
Concepts of exercise physiology for runners
Capillaries. Myoglobin. Slow-twitch fibers. Glycogen. These are the stuff of long-distance running. The Kenyans have lots of them....
EPO: Illegal, effective, and deadly
The scandals that plagued the 1998 Tour de France largely surrounded the systematic abuse of the synthetic hormone EPO to improve...
Developing effective training plans: A 10-step process
Improving your running performance requires you to set goals and develop plans to achieve those goals. Your training plan describes the...
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